The Generation Gap – How To Motivate The Baby Boomers

baby-boomersThe Baby Boomers

  • General Attitude: “If you have it, flash it”
  • Characteristics: Talkative, Bossy, Inquisitive, Stylish, and Competitive.
  • Likes: Shopping, Winning, Leading, Vision.
  • Dislikes: Paying of debts, Aging

Some famous Boomers include Bill Clinton. Tony Blair, George W Bush, Princess Diana, Vladimir Putin, Richard Branson and J.K. Rowling.

The baby boomers got their name from the big growth in population just after World War II. They were the largest generation (in terms of numbers) that the planet ever saw.

They arrived with a bang and have been noisy and attention demanding ever since. Every single stage of their lives has been era defining and trend setting.

When they decide to do something, they do it big. Nobody can afford not to notice them. Both literally and figuratively.

You are very likely to find many Baby Boomers still in your workforce. The first ones just entered retirement a few years ago.

This generation entered the working environment in a time that coincided with a steady economic boom, which took the whole world by storm.

When they finished university or college, there was no shortage of jobs.

Big changes started to happen in their time, which made their working environment very different from their parents.

Multinational companies were starting to become more common and rapid growth was considered the norm. This was fueled by three drivers. Quality, customer service and globalization.

Tips for Motivating The Boomers

  • Make rewards and recognition public
  • They will rely on you to generate energy and dynamism.
  • They want to be involved in all decisions. They are passionate about transparency and democracy in decision making. Include them at all stages.

via The Generation Gap. How To Motivate Different Generations.

Protect Yourself From Violent Crime

  • Chalkboard - ViolenceDon’t walk or jog early in the morning or late at night when the streets are deserted.
  • When out at night, try to have a friend walk with you.
  • Carry only the money you’ll need on a particular day.
  • Don’t display your cash or any other inviting targets such as pagers, cell phones, hand-held electronic games, or expensive jewelry and clothing.
  • If you think someone is following you, switch directions or cross the street. If the person continues to follow you, move quickly toward an open store or restaurant or a lighted house. Don’t be afraid to yell for help.
  • Try to park in well-lighted areas with good visibility and close to walkways, stores, and people.
  • Make sure you have your key out as you approach your door.
  • Always lock your car, even if it’s in your own driveway; never leave your motor running.
  • Do everything you can to keep a stranger from getting into your car or to keep a stranger from forcing you into his or her car.
  • If a dating partner has abused you, do not meet him or her alone. Do not let him or her in your home or car when you are alone.
  • If you are a battered spouse, call the police or sheriff immediately. Assault is a crime, whether committed by a stranger or your spouse or any other family member. If you believe that you and your children are in danger, call a crisis hotline or a health center (the police can also make a referral) and leave immediately.
  • If someone tries to rob you, give up your property—don’t give up your life.
  • If you are robbed or assaulted, report the crime to the police. Try to describe the attacker accurately. Your actions can help prevent someone else from becoming a victim.

via Protect Yourself From Violent Crime — National Crime Prevention Council.

Driving Organizational Success Through Human Capital

humancapitalIn today’s globally integrated, tightly regulated, and increasingly competitive business environment, one critical success factor stands out: people. Your people represent one of your company’s most significant investments, and they provide you with a big opportunity to gain competitive advantage.

via Human Capital – Ernst & Young – United States.

Portable Ladder Safety

ladder-safetyFalls from portable ladders (step, straight, combination and extension) are one of the leading causes of occupational fatalities and injuries.

  • Read and follow all labels/markings on the ladder.
  • Avoid electrical hazards! – Look for overhead power lines before handling a ladder. Avoid using a metal ladder near power lines or exposed energized electrical equipment.
  • Always inspect the ladder prior to using it. If the ladder is damaged, it must be removed from service and tagged until repaired or discarded.
  • Always maintain a 3-point (two hands and a foot, or two feet and a hand) contact on the ladder when climbing. Keep your body near the middle of the step and always face the ladder while climbing (see diagram).
  • Only use ladders and appropriate accessories (ladder levelers, jacks or hooks) for their designed purposes.
  • Ladders must be free of any slippery material on the rungs, steps or feet.
  • Do not use a self-supporting ladder (e.g., step ladder) as a single ladder or in a partially closed position.
  • Do not use the top step/rung of a ladder as a step/rung unless it was designed for that purpose.
  • Use a ladder only on a stable and level surface, unless it has been secured (top or bottom) to prevent displacement.
  • Do not place a ladder on boxes, barrels or other unstable bases to obtain additional height.
  • Do not move or shift a ladder while a person or equipment is on the ladder.
  • An extension or straight ladder used to access an elevated surface must extend at least 3 feet above the point of support (see diagram). Do not stand on the three top rungs of a straight, single or extension ladder.
  • The proper angle for setting up a ladder is to place its base a quarter of the working length of the ladder from the wall or other vertical surface (see diagram).
  • A ladder placed in any location where it can be displaced by other work activities must be secured to prevent displacement or a barricade must be erected to keep traffic away from the ladder.
  • Be sure that all locks on an extension ladder are properly engaged.
  • Do not exceed the maximum load rating of a ladder. Be aware of the ladder’s load rating and of the weight it is supporting, including the weight of any tools or equipment.

via Portable Ladder Safety.

America’s High Blood Pressure Burden

High-Blood-pressureHigh Blood Pressure is often referred  to as “The Silent Killer”. Here are the facts:

  • About 1 in 3 U.S. adults—an estimated 68 million people—has high blood pressure.
  • 69% of people who have a first heart attack, 77% of people who have a first stroke, and 74% of people with chronic heart failure have high blood pressure.
  • High blood pressure is also a major risk factor for kidney disease.
  • High blood pressure was listed as a primary or contributing cause of death for about 348,000 Americans in 2008.
  • Costs directly attributable to high blood pressure for the nation total almost $131 billion annually in direct medical expenses and $25 billion in lost productivity.
  • Less than half (46%) of people with high blood pressure have their condition under control.
  • Almost 30% of American adults have prehypertension—blood pressure numbers that are higher than normal, but not yet in the high blood pressure range. Prehypertension raises your risk of developing high blood pressure.
  • Reducing average population sodium intake from 3,300 mg to 2,300 mg per day may reduce cases of high blood pressure by 11 million and save 18 billion health care dollars annually.

via CDC – DHDSP – High Blood Pressure Facts.

Safety – Begin With The End In Mind

mazeThe Second Habit in Steven Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is Begin With the End in Mind. I think that is a great habit to apply to workplace safety. I have attached an Annual Safety Audit to the end of this message anyone can use as a road map to an effective safety strategy. It’s been my experience that most employers want to keep their employees healthy and safe because it’s not only good business but also the right thing to do.

Click on the link to download a copy of Annual Safety Audit:

Coronary Heart Disease – 10-year risk


Since it’s beginning in 1948, the Framingham Heart Study, under the direction of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), has been committed to identifying the common factors or characteristics that contribute to cardiovascular disease (CVD). They have followed CVD development over a long period of time in three generations of participants.

Here are the Coronary Heart Disease Predictors:

  • Age
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • JNC-V blood pressure categories
  • NCEP total cholesterol categories
  • LDL cholesterol categories

Click on the link below to calculate your risk of coronary heart disease.

via Coronary Heart Disease 10-year risk Framingham Heart Study.

Machine Guarding

WarningMoving machine parts have the potential to cause severe workplace injuries, such as crushed fingers or hands, amputations, burns, or blindness. Safeguards are essential for protecting workers from these preventable injuries. Any machine part, function, or process that may cause injury must be safeguarded. When the operation of a machine or accidental contact injure the operator or others in the vicinity, the hazards must be eliminated or controlled. This page contains general information on the various hazards of mechanical motion and techniques for protecting workers.

via Safety and Health Topics | Machine Guarding.

Healthy Aging – Safe Exercise

exercise-heart-surgerySAFE EXERCISE PRACTICES

  1. Obtain medical clearance to exercise.
  2. Stop exercising if you feel pain.
  3. Don’t exercise when you are injured, sick, or running a temperature.
  4. Don’t over_strain during exercise.
  5. Don’t hold your breath during exercise.
  6. Always warm up.
  7. Always cool down.
  8. Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise.
  9. Avoid heavy meals for about 2 hours before energetic exercise.
  10. Use sun screen, hats, visors, and sunglasses during outdoor daytime exercise. Think safety at all times (for example, should you be wearing fluorescent colors? Is it too cold, too wet, too stormy, too polluted, too hot, and/or too humid for safe exercise?)
  11. Use the right equipment and wear the right clothes for exercise (dress in layers, wear fabrics that allow heat to escape, wear good shoes).
  12. Work at an effective, yet comfortable, intensity level. You should be able to carry on a normal conversation while working out.
  13. Use good posture during exercise.
  14. Stop exercise and consult your physician immediately if you experience any of the following:
  •  chest pain or tightness in the chest, neck or throat;
  • considerable difficulty breathing;
  • abnormal heart rhythm; nausea’ dizziness, light headedness, or visual
  • interruption; excessive cold sweat; or extreme or lasting weakness or fatigue (after exercise)

via Safe Exercising.

Roles of HR Professionals in Risk Management

HR Functions[4]The “people” risk in business is significant and role of HR Professionals to manage this risk varies by organization. The challenge is that risk area’s and responsibilities are often very siloed. The key is risk management should be an integrated effort, with executive level support, that enhances the strategic goals and growth of the organization. HR professionals role is to participate in risk management by assessing risk and creating HR policies to prevent or mitigate loss and ensure business continuity.