Safety at home: Falls


Falls are the second leading type of unintentional home-related injury deaths. Falls occur most commonly in:

  • Doorways
  • Ramps
  • Ladders
  • Stairs
  • Crowded areas
  • Areas with uneven surfaces

​Among older adults, falls can result in serious injury and an increased risk of fatality.

Fall Proofing Your Home

You can prevent falls by “fall-proofing your home.” Take simple steps such as storing objects within easy reach and keeping electrical cords out of the way. If possible, add handrails to stairs to keep your family safe and use non-skid bath mats to prevent falls in the bathroom. Teach children to pick up their toys when done playing and keep your own home clean by wiping up spills immediately. These are just a few of the ways you can keep the ones you love from slipping and tripping.

Older Adult Falls

Adults 55 and older are more prone to becoming victims of falls. You can prevent older adult falls by improving balance through exercise and visiting the doctor annually. Other precautions include wearing fitted shoes, knowing the side effects of medications and storing those meds in a well-lit area.

via Safety at home: Falls.