Safety and Health Management Systems

Safety Puzzle Showing Company SecurityWhat is a Safety and Health Program and where does it fit into my management system?

If your team wants to reduce accidents, injuries, illnesses, and their related costs, everyone must place as much emphasis on safety and health issues as they place on other core management issues, such as production, sales, and quality control. To be most effective, safety and health must be balanced with, and incorporated into, the other core business processes.

“Safety First” may sound good, but in reality, safety should not be considered separately. Rather, it must become a basic value of your company. Change “Safety First” to “Safe production is our only standard.” This emphasizes the idea that it’s fine to produce as hard and as fast as possible, as long as it can be done safely.

via Safety and Health Management Systems eTool | Module 2 – Management System + Safety and Health Integration.