Keeping Children Safe on the Playground

playgroundWhether it’s a swing set in the backyard or the more elaborate apparatus in the park, there are many positive things to say about playground equipment. The use of this equipment encourages children to test and expand their physical abilities. However, there are some inevitable dangers. The risks can be minimized when equipment is well designed and children are taught basic playground manners. Click on the link below for some guidelines you can use in selecting playground equipment and sites for your child.

via Keeping Children Safe on the Playground –

Playground Safety


  • The playground should have safety-tested mats or loose-fill materials (shredded rubber, sand, wood chips, or bark) maintained to a depth of at least 9 inches (6 inches for shredded rubber). The protective surface should be installed at least 6 feet (more for swings and slides) in all directions from the equipment.
  • Equipment should be carefully maintained. Open “S” hooks or protruding bolt ends can be hazardous.
  • Swing seats should be made of soft materials such as rubber, plastic or canvas.
  • Make sure children cannot reach any moving parts that might pinch or trap any body part.
  • Never attach—or allow children to attach—ropes, jump ropes, leashes, or similar items to play equipment; children can strangle on these.  If you see something tied to the playground, remove it or call the playground operator to remove it.
  • Make sure your children remove helmets and anything looped around their necks
  • Metal, rubber and plastic products can get very hot in the summer, especially under direct sun.
  • Make sure slides are cool to prevent children’s legs from getting burned.
  • Do not allow children to play barefoot on the playground.
  • Parents should never purchase a home trampoline or allow children to use home trampolines.
  • Parents should supervise children on play equipment to make sure they are safe.

via Summer Safety Tips.