Stay Safe While Boating

mattmaddypfdsWearing a life jacket can dramatically decrease your chances of drowning while boating. “Wear It!” every time you’re on the water.

Everyone, on all types of boats, should wear properly-fitted life jackets, or personal flotation devices (PFD). By wearing a life jacket, you can dramatically decrease your chances of drowning while boating.

Know the Facts: Recreational boating can be a wonderful way to spend time with family and friends. And making safety a priority can ensure that boating stays fun.

Consider that:

  • In 2009, 3,358 people were injured and 736 died in boating incidents. Of those who drowned, 9 out of 10 were not wearing life jackets.
  • Of the people who died in a boating incident in 2009, more than 7 out of 10 (73%) drowned. More than 90 percent of the people who drowned were not wearing a life jacket.
  • Alcohol use was the leading contributing factor in fatal boating incidents.

via CDC Features – Stay Safe While Boating.